Features of object oriented programming
Categories: Programming
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming worldview that rotates around the idea of "objects." In OOP, information and capabilities are typified into objects, which connect with one another through techniques and messages. Some of the key features of Object-Oriented Programming are: 1. Encapsulation: Encapsulation is the packaging of information (characteristics) and techniques (works) that work on that information inside a solitary unit called an item. It permits information to be covered up and gotten to just through the article's public point of interaction, giving better information assurance and security. 2. Abstraction: Abstraction is the method involved with working on complex frameworks by separating them into more modest, more sensible units. In OOP, classes go about as reflections by giving a diagram to making objects with explicit properties and ways of behaving. 3. Inheritance: Inheritance is a component that permits a class (subclass or inferred class) to acquire properties and ways of behaving from another class (superclass or base class). It advances code reuse, as subclasses can expand or supersede the usefulness of the superclass. 4. Polymorphism: Polymorphism permits objects of various classes to be treated as objects of a typical superclass. It empowers a solitary point of interaction to address different information types, and various classes can give their own executions to a similar technique. 5. Classes and Objects: Classes are layouts or diagrams for making objects, while objects are cases of classes. Objects typify state (information) and conduct (strategies) into a solitary unit. 6. Message Passing: In OOP, objects speak with one another by sending and getting messages. At the point when an item summons a strategy for another item, it is known as message passing. 7. Association: Association addresses a connection between classes where one class is connected with another class. It tends to be a coordinated, one-to-many, or many-to-numerous relationship. 8. Composition: Composition is a type of affiliation where one class is made out of at least one objects of another class. The formed articles can't exist autonomously of the compartment object. 9. Aggregation: Aggregation is a specific type of affiliation where one class addresses the entire and the other class addresses a section. The part can exist freely of the entirety. 10. Dynamic Restricting: OOP dialects frequently support dynamic restricting, otherwise called late restricting or runtime polymorphism. It permits the determination of the fitting technique execution in view of the real sort of the article at runtime. These elements in Object-Oriented Programming promote code modularity, reusability, and practicality. OOP is broadly utilized in different programming dialects like Java, Python, C++, and others to make powerful and adaptable applications.
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