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Why is Google One among the world's first IoT security certification body (a.k.a. ioXt) app?

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Google treats security in a serious way and utilizes different measures to guarantee the security of its products and services. Here are a few vital parts of Google's security:

1. Encryption: Google uses encryption broadly to protect client information. This remembers encryption of information for travel utilizing conventions like HTTPS for secure correspondence among clients and Google's administrations, as well as encryption of information very still to safeguard put away data.

2. Two-factor authentication (2FA): Google offers 2FA as an extra layer of safety for client accounts. Clients can empower 2FA to require a subsequent confirmation step, for example, a code produced on a cell phone or a security key, to get to their records.

3. Account protection: Google utilizes different components to shield client accounts from unapproved access. This incorporates progressed risk investigation strategies to identify and forestall dubious exercises, as well as security highlights like login alarms and gadget check.

4. Vulnerability rewards programs: Google runs Vulnerability rewards programs, for example, the Vulnerability rewards programs (VRP), which urges specialists to find and report security vulnerabilities in Google's products. This helps identify and address potential security weaknesses.

5. Security-focused teams: Google has committed groups of safety specialists who work to recognize and address security dangers. These groups direct customary security reviews, weakness evaluations, and code surveys to guarantee the security of Google's items and administrations.

6. Privacy controls: Google furnishes clients with protection controls to deal with their information and protection inclinations. Clients have some control over what data is gathered, put away, and shared through their Google records and administrations.

7. Safe Browsing: Google's Protected Browsing technology shields clients from malevolent sites and downloads. It cautions clients about possibly hurtful destinations and gives security against phishing endeavors and malware.

8. App security: Google Play protect is a security include incorporated into the Google Play Store to examine and check applications for potential security gambles before they are downloaded by clients. Google Play Safeguard likewise gives progressing malware checking and security for introduced applications.

9. Transparency reports: Google publishes transparency reports that give bits of knowledge into the solicitations got from state run administrations and different substances for client information or content evacuation. These reports advance straightforwardness and responsibility as far as how client information is taken care of.

10. Persistent security upgrades: Google keeps a proactive way to deal with security by consistently refreshing and fixing its items and administrations to address newfound weaknesses. These updates are conveyed through programmed security updates or client started refreshes.

It's critical to take note of that while Google carries out hearty safety efforts, clients likewise have an obligation to pursue great security routines, like areas of strength for utilizing, empowering 2FA, and being mindful of phishing endeavors or dubious connections.

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Why is Google One among the world's first IoT security certification body (a.k.a. ioXt) app?